11 May, 2015

The GENESIS of LIFE is now available from Koorong

Alan Marshall, one of our Sydney Chapter members here, has just published a book called The Genesis of Life. It's a friendly and easy read so if your not scientifically minded, you will still very much enjoy it. Alan has gone to a lot of trouble to make this work very accessible.
I highly recommend this book to add to your list of apologetics reading. All the details are below.



can now be ordered through the Koorong website. The price for the paperback edition is $21.99. If you have enjoyed reading the book, you might like to now recommend it by forwarding this email, with the attachments, to friends you think may be interested. (Koorong don't yet have any stock on their shelves, but I have ample to stock to fill their orders.)

God Bless,

Alan Marshall

Click here to find the book in the Koorong online store: https://www.koorong.com/search/product/the-genesis-of-life-alan-marshall/9781628716184.jhtml


The book aims to engage anyone with an interest in science and faith as it explores not only the origin of life, but the full range of nature's "big questions".

My starting point is that all life is based on information. By quantifying the amount of information needed for the simplest possible organism to grow and reproduce, I demonstrate that this is vastly more than could conceivably arise by random chance. Just as a computer program infers the existence of a programmer, so the elegance and mind-boggling complexity of DNA, and the biochemical machinery it creates, point to a creative intelligence.

Who is this creator? My book suggests he is the one known in the Bible as "I AM who I AM". I seek to lead the reader, assisted by scientific evidence and a series of logical propositions, down a pathway to a deeper faith. How far that pathway is travelled is up to each reader to decide.

Extracts from selected chapters can be read using the links below:

DNA - The Language of Life<http://thegenesisoflife.info/chapter1.htm>

In the Beginning<http://thegenesisoflife.info/chapter2.htm>

The Genesis of Life<http://thegenesisoflife.info/chapter3.htm>

The Genesis Creation Accounts<http://thegenesisoflife.info/chapter7.htm>

What Does It All Mean?<http://thegenesisoflife.info/chapter8.htm>

Author's website<http://thegenesisoflife.info>

What's the smartest animal on the planet? (excluding humans of course)

Intelligent Bird Solves 8 Step Puzzle

A friend just sent me a video clip of a Crow revealing their amazing abilities to problem solve.

Back in 2009 Reasons to Believe posted a Todays New Reasons to Believe article on the intelligence of Corvids. The Corvid family comprises Ravens and Crews. You can read the original post here: Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”

Now a series from the BBC has captured the astonishing capabilities of the Crovids. You can see a short excerpt from the series on YouTube here:
Are crows the ultimate problem solvers? - Inside the Animal Mind: Episode 2 - BBC Two  

Corvids: The Birds Who Think Like Humans article from io9 may also help to show the amazing cognitive capabilities of the Corvids.

These are truly remarkable metal capabilities for an animal. Moreover, Chimpanzees are not able to accomplish this feat without significant teaching and training from humans first. Corvids are capable of problem solving like this directly from the wild.

As the TNRB article shows... Caledonian crows [though not quite matching ravens in intellectual prowess] outperform monkeys in their ability to retrieve food from a trap tube–from which food can be accessed only at one end.” They also refer to an experiment demonstrating that “crows can also work out how to use one tool to obtain a second with which they can retrieve food, a skill that monkeys and apes struggle to master.” Evidently, certain bird species exhibit greater powers of the mind than do apes. (See crows’ cognitive powers in action here.).

When it comes to which animal, between the Corvids or Apes, shows the closest metal capabilities to humanity, Corvids win hands (or wings) down.

Now that's a disconnect between Darwinian Theory and reality. Food for thought there!